Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hey there. I am a male and I have long hair. Do you know any sites where I can find some long hairst

It's just that it's often messy 'cuz of the wind (The bottoms curl up, and it goes in my face and everything), and I would want it straight down, but I don't want it to look girly, y'know? Just something to do to it. Hahaha. Thanks a lot.

Hey there. I am a male and I have long hair. Do you know any sites where I can find some long hairstyles?

just leave it out, and straighten the ends. long hair is sexy.

Hey there. I am a male and I have long hair. Do you know any sites where I can find some long hairstyles?

Depends on how long you are talking. If your hair is shoulder length or below the bottom is gonna curl no matter what. It stops doing that as it grows out. At least it did for me.

As an aside, I got a *lot* more women when I cut it off. Call me a sellout but don't let something as trivial as hair define who you are.

Hey there. I am a male and I have long hair. Do you know any sites where I can find some long hairstyles?

My husbands hair is down to his waist and he has it kinda short in the front and then puts elastic bands all the way down to the end so its banded every inch then he either wears a ball cap or not his hair is real wavy so the front and sides looks like he has a regular hair cut till he turns around. But when it free and you see him from the rear you can't tell if hes male or female it just a full head of hair. Cherokee Indian and Irish!!!

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