Saturday, August 1, 2009

I turned 30 in Dec and looking for a new hairstyle for curly hair?

Up to this point in my life I have always kept my hair long it is really curly so I pretty much just wash it mousse it and pull it back in a pony tail I have always kept it long because of the pouff factor but I am tired of havin it the same way I would like something long enoug to pull back but on days I have more time I can straighten it I have 3 kids so I really don't have time for hairstyles that take a lot of effort on a daily basis. Is there anyone out there with curly hair that has found a hairstyle that might work for me? Oh and can anyone make any hairstylist recommendations in Corpus Christi Tx?

I turned 30 in Dec and looking for a new hairstyle for curly hair?

i always have my hair layered and every other cut i get it thinned--special shears--to help with the weight/poof factor

my hair is more wavy when shoulder length and longer and curly when shorter

i have been wearing it long-shoulder blade for a while and i think when it warms up I'm going back to short

i think this pic is cute, look at site for more ideas and remember it's only hair it will grow back

I turned 30 in Dec and looking for a new hairstyle for curly hair?

layers are always cute. you could get side bangs and straighten them ALWAYS. i have found that side bangs look amazing with curly hair.

I turned 30 in Dec and looking for a new hairstyle for curly hair?

Ummm..... I'm a teen but I can give you good advice get a hip and modern hairstyle so it won't make you look old I told my mom the same thing I'm telling you she used to stick with the same hair style ****FOR YEARS**** until one day I told her mom I would love to see you in the century that I'm living in right now not stuck in the 80's like you normally are.....then I took her to my hairstylist and she loves her hair... people ask me is that your sister I say no that's my mom and they ask what happened to her and i say "A LADY NEVER TELLS" ;) so go ahead try it and if you don't like it you can always change it :)

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